Support systems are the people we can go to for help, as well as people we can rely on and talk to.
You are a support for other people too. Just imagine if you were facing a challenge in your life, how much asking yourself these questions would help: Who in my family might support me with this? What resources are available at school? What kind of community office/department/organization is able to help or maybe point me in the right direction? You can expand this by talking about specific situations or why that person is part of your support system. Click on the box to download our free worksheet to get you started. Recognizing family, school, and community resources is a lifelong skill to develop. When we can identify resources and supports, we are more likely to get the help we need more quickly and with more ease. Anxiety makes us afraid to ask for help. But many times we miss opportunities because we don't want the hassle of asking for help. Think of all the energy you would save not doing it all on your own! Recognizing resources and supports helps you be more successful in resolving a problem, demonstrating for others how they can effectively use resources and become a resource to others by having gone through the process of seeking out resources. One strategy to help you recognize supports and resources is Charity. Select an organization or cause to support in the community. Learn how we did that by clicking on the Charity box. Another way to identify support is knowing your social identity and groups. Click on the Social Identity box to get started. |