Emerging Research on Social AnxietyTurns out, social anxiety in preadolescents and adolescents is not well researched and there is no straightforward path that scientists agree works.
In the past 10 years, more studies have been conducted to find better therapy treatments for kids. But it's still unchartered territory. Some things scientists agree on are on the right. Some interesting facts
How the research guides usScience can tell us what is happening in our brain when we're anxious.
Everyone has different reasons or "triggers" for feeling anxiety. What do they all have in common? It's our brain telling us to run because there is danger. It's our internal alarm system. Usually this is a good thing if you're in the woods and being chased by a grizzly bear. It's not so great if you're sitting at lunch and someone asks you a question in front of a bunch of people. The research that's been done to investigate social anxiety in kids hasn't indetified any foolproof methods of dealing with social anxiety because they are still investigating what kids feel before, during, and after an anxiety event.
The good news is that it can be detected BEFORE negative self-talk happens. Adults know negative self-talk and how destructive it can be. Building awareness and community before it starts is the whole point of this website! The BEST way to start dealing with social anxiety is to IDENTIFY your feelings. This is how you start to unfurl your social anxiety and address the issues head-on. Visit our Identifying Feelings page to learn more. |
What we know:
1. It's common 2. It can happen early 3. Exposure (practice) works and Cognitive behavoir therapy works. But each child is different and what works depends on a lot, especially age and gender 4. Adults and children don't experience social anxiety the same way! 5. Negative self talk isn't something kids experience until around 13; which may have to do with the people they around until that age! 6. Identify, Chill, Plan, & Unleash is our method of working on social anxiety. Research About Managing Anxiety: |