There are computer games, apps, gaming consoles, sports and outdoor activities and board games, card games, puzzles, puzzle books, DIY games. Lots of games.
Birthdays, Christmas, Prime Day, it's 75% off, behavoir rewards, and every other reason why kids get or want new games. At the end of the day, almost all the games are helping build brain connections.
First, there are learning Apps. Kids can feel engaged while they learn and it works! We use them! Toddlers started counting before we taught them, bigger kids got help with phonics and math, and even bigger kids stopped trying to sneak youtube for at least an hour. An HOUR! These are our favorite ones.
Good Old Fashioned Board Games
Logic and Puzzle Games
Building up those Critical Thinking Skills will help you build the staircase. Click on the picture to get some free downloads and ideas for brain games!