Creativity & AnxietyCreativity often feels like some mysterious force that rarely cooperates, especially when you need it most.
Controlling and tapping into this thinking is an important part of managing anxiety and building the creative process. Sometimes giving yourself a challenge can help jump start creativity. 1. Write a six-word story- try to tell a whole story using only six words. Try to write one every day for a week. 2. Avoid the letter “e”- try to have a conversation without pausing and without using the letter E! 3. Write by hand- try writing your worries down and then throwing them out to see what happens every day for a week. 4. Eliminate “I, “me,” “my” and “mine” from your vocabulary- try to talk for fifteen minutes without using these words. Or try writing a letter without them everyday for a week. 5. Give a project limitations- we use this a lot (mostly because we can never find what we need when we need it), but try to create something with only certain things. A recipe without sugar or butter. A lego build without the color red. Dr. Seuss wrote Green Eggs & Ham when his editor challenged him to write an entire book using less than 50 different words. 6. Use a writing prompt- you use these in school all the time. Try using a prompt like "I love baking because"... and try a different prompt everyday for a week. 7. Look at things from a new perspective- find a story in the news every day for a week and put yourself in that person's shoes. Try to think the way they would think or solve a problem the way they would. 8. Write down the question you’re trying to answer- If something has you stumped, grab a piece of paper and write the question down at the top. Be as specific as possible. Then write down any and all potential solutions, no matter how ridiculous or “wrong” they may seem. Do this for five minutes every day with the same question. 9. Exercise and tire yourself out- We do this. We started beause toddlers are nicer when they are worn out and then get lots of rest. But exercising can wear away your worries and allow you think outside the box. 10. Meditate in the morning- Daily Practice! Clear your mind of clutter. Click on the imagine about to download some free worksheets! |